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Throughout the MVP development cycle, the source of truth for all content on the site is in a protected Airtable base in the Performance Reporting workspace.

MVP Development and Migration

When an MVP is finalized, a live version of the PGOV Drupal site will become the source of truth for finalized content and ongoing updates.

Until then, the content team can populate, clean, and validate the information in Airtable, while the development team can make structural or architectural changes without needing to provide an upgrade path or support legacy data.

It is possible to bootstrap a fresh copy of the Drupal back end site and populate it with the latest content and files from Airtable.

Restricted Access

Access to the Airtable base must be obtained in advance.


Local and live versions of the site be reinstalled and populated with content from Airtable, but depend on having a valid API key.

An API key can be obtained at

The migration script expects to find the API key in an environment variable called AIRTABLE_API_KEY. When using DDEV, the new key can be added using an .env file:

  • Copy .ddev/.env.pgov-example to .ddev/.env
  • Add the new API key to the value of AIRTABLE_API_KEY in .ddev/.env
  • Run ddev restart for the settings to apply.

Data Migration

PGOV content is migrated from Airtable using the Migrate framework built into Drupal core. A small module that extends some the core modules is in web/modules/custom/pgov_migrate. The module also contains preconfigured migrations and default content, which will be added to the site each time it's rebuilt.

Migrations can be listed using ddev drush migrate:status (this may take some time) Migrations can be executed using ddev migrate (local environment) or bin/migrate (hosted environment).